Rethinking the space we call home: Intentional decor to create a home you love

Now more than ever, our homes are a place serving more purpose than simply providing shelter. As we have spent more time at home in the past 6 months than many of us ever have before, and the distractions of the early pandemic have fallen away (have you reached the end of Netflix too?!), many of us are examining the places we call home in a new light.

Home now more than ever is a sanctuary: A place to be safe, rejuvenate, and feel inspired.

Home is more than four walls & a roof. Photo credit: Paige Cody,

Home is more than four walls & a roof. Photo credit: Paige Cody,

One thing that has become very apparent in 2020 is that a lot of people out there are re-examining life: what they spend their hours doing, where they are doing it, and with whom. As a human being living during this time, we can all agree that 2020 has been a year of surprises, unpredictable events, and self-reflection. I’ve seen it in clients from all over the country looking at where they call home and reconsidering what is necessary in their lives. No one has all the answers and no once can predict the future, yet, amid all of the uncertainty, one of the things we can control is our own home and the environment it fosters. 

Judging by the demand for home improvement products & the long wait for trades, the focus on HOME is front and centre. I want to take it one step further and challenge you to be thoughtful about your current space. I want to challenge you to elevate your space by furnishing it with intention and consideration.

I want to challenge you to elevate your space by furnishing it with intention and consideration.

Be brave, be bold - be yourself.

The process of designing a home can be formulaic, and that is fine (paint colour + cabinets + flooring = done!). While aesthetically beautiful finishes are lovely (and yes, contribute to overall market value), consider augmenting those elements with an even more personal, meaningful and intentional approach to design and decor. Don’t be afraid to look at all the possibilities...the infusion of personality and style. This is where your space comes alive: The creation of a soulful home. 

Augmenting decor need not be complex! Add texture - pillows & throws - to create an inviting place to curl up. Photo credit: Stephanie Harvey,

Augmenting decor need not be complex! Add texture - pillows & throws - to create an inviting place to curl up. Photo credit: Stephanie Harvey,

Laundry and fun? Just add wallpaper! Photo credit:

Laundry and fun? Just add wallpaper! Photo credit:

Wouldn’t it be nice to add a little something that sparks a memory every time you walk down the hall to do the mundane tasks of everyday life? For example in the hall to the laundry, add a gallery wall of your favourite family vacation memories...or even better...a bunch of silly photos of your kids to remember why you love them as you are doing the 10th load of laundry that week. Or add a cozy corner in a little-used spot, with the perfect reading chair and a beautiful throw that begs to be touched and snuggled at the end of a long day. Or what about a quirky wallpaper lining a closet, offering a cheerful surprise when you open the door? It’s about layers, uniqueness and inspiration. What do you love? What catches your eye? How can you incorporate that into your home so it becomes part of your daily life? Don’t be afraid to be a bit bold!

Our lives have changed, and it’s up to us to choose if we feel confined and trapped, or inspired and supported by the space in which we spend most of our time. Why not use this time to create a place that inspires and makes you feel uplifted and connected? It doesn’t need to break the bank either - paint and a collection of your favourite photos or items, thoughtfully displayed goes a long way. Get creative, take a risk, and most importantly, be yourself! Make these changes because they feel GOOD!

What does your soulful home look like? Have you added something new to your home that you are excited about? Please share below!

Let’s inspire each other.

3 THINGS you can do RIGHT NOW to sell your home after COVID

No one knows exactly when things will be ‘back to normal’ or if things will ever return to how they were. What is in our control are our actions -
there is always some action we can take today to help move forward.

Photo by HiveBoxx on Unsplash

Photo by HiveBoxx on Unsplash

Number 1: Get your finances in order

No matter what the market is like, you can’t sell or buy a home without knowing where you stand financially & getting your finances in order is the absolute essential first step. Knowing what you can afford for your next home helps define expectations for the sale of your current home. It also helps pave the way to a much smoother and easier transaction when the time comes. You would be surprised how many times a forgotten credit card from the college years throws a kink into plans to buy a home 15 years later!

KEY MESSAGE: Speak to a mortgage professional to start the process of pre-approval EARLY. The more you know, the better prepared you will be! Recommendations available!

Number 2: Speak to a real estate agent ASAP

Before you start painting or renovating, it’s important to know a few things about the market that your house in. We’ve all seen the HGTV shows where people renovate to sell for top dollar, but that isn’t always the most economical or strategic choice. Engaging a professional who knows what buyers are looking for, what to leave as-is and what to invest in, will help prioritize your time, energy and money into what you need to do to get your house ready.

When I am engaged early in the plan to sell a house, not only am I able to provide the sellers with the best, most economical “bang for your buck” guidance to prepping their home, I also make sure that sellers are focusing their efforts on what will truly support their unique strategy and timeline. For example, if moving quickly is the most important thing to a seller, taking on a larger renovation is not the best use of time nor money.

KEY MESSAGE: Engaging a real estate professional early in the process helps ensure timely and most valuable work is done to prepare your home for sale that makes the most sense for your situation.

Number 3: De-clutter and purge, Marie Kondo style!

Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

No matter which renovations or preparations you’ll be taking on to get your house in tip-top shape to sell, decluttering and purging is essential. It’s surprising how much we accumulate and then forget about when we see our ‘things’ everyday. We become kind of blind to the stuff that surrounds us everyday, and before long, we have more things than we need or even want!

Sorting through your belongings and organize into 3 piles: Keep, Toss & Donate. Starting this process early will help make room (literally and figuratively) for any home preparations or renos you plan to do, even if it’s just carpet cleaning and painting. Getting rid of extra stuff now will also make it easier to show the home and pack up to move later on!

TIP: Check out the cute little how-to book titled The Life-Changing Art of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo (“spark joy”…remember her?). It’s amazing.

KEY MESSAGE: Search out some de-cluttering guides or even engage an organization professional in your area to guide this process. It can be exhausting and sometimes even an emotional process - be prepared to spend more time than you may think on purging and de-cluttering!

The bottom line is no matter how much we feel things are beyond our control, there are ways to take action TODAY. No matter how small, each action will help move you closer to your dream home!

If you need help, it’s just an email away:


National Take Out Day 2020! What are you ordering?

Let’s help local restaurants during COVID-19 by supporting their businesses. Who doesn’t love a little mid-week take out? I’ve linked to a few faves in Stittsville-Kanata, Carp and Carleton Place, below!

Today, Wednesday, April 15, 2020 is the first National Take Out Day. As an effort to help the struggling food service industry, this is a great way to support your local small restaurateur. Below is a list of local small restaurants that are doing pick up orders. Some of them even offer wine and beer to go with your meal! Treat yourself guilt-free knowing you are helping out other members of our communities.


The Cheshire Cat: Outstanding British pub food, locally sourced ingredients and craft beers. Grab a tub (or 2) of Carp Custom Creamery ice cream to round out a perfect mid-week meal!

Pat’s Chip Truck: Located in front of Kunstadt Sports on Hazeldean Rd., Pat’s Chip Truck offer some creative twists on regular food truck goods, like buffalo chicken poutine, burgers stacked high with onion rings, and of course traditional faves like double cheeseburgers and thick-cut fries! Call ahead to place your pick up order.

Bonita’s Cantina: Located in the Rona parking lot on Hazeldean (opposite Springbrook Drive), get your fill of Mexican flavours. Order online for pickup.


The Juke Joint: Looking for something a little spicy? Check out the southern inspired menu featuring Creole and Cajun flavours at the Juke Joint Soul Kitchen in Carp Village. Open 12-7pm for curbside pick up.

Alice’s Village Cafe: Offering baked goodies, sweets, freezer goods like homemade pies, tourtiere, quiches and cookies to name a few!

Carleton Place

Smith & Barrell (The Grand Hotel): This cozy pub is offering family meals to take home. Check out their website or Facebook page for the latest meal specials.

The Good Food Company: MMMMMmmmm this sweet little spot is offering take out of their delicious baked goods, like maple bourbon butter tarts, scones, & cheesecakes to name a few. Check out the full menu on their website.

Lakeside Shawarma: Offering online ordering for their customers to pick up, this is a delicious fresh option for fast food!

I hope you’ll join my family in supporting local small businesses. They really appreciate every dollar you choose to spend with them. Share your take out recommendations and photos below!

July 2018 newsletter: Summer is FINALLY here!

Popsicles, pools and sunglasses are my accessories of choice so far this summer. I hope you all are enjoying every sunshine-y, gorgeous day! 

Photo by Vicko Mozara on Unsplash

Photo by Vicko Mozara on Unsplash

Let's make this one short and sweet. Inside this issue you'll find...

  • some stats to show what a great housing market we live in here in Ottawa!
  • while Spring did prove to be a bit challenging for buyers competing against multiple offers, in the big picture our rise in house and condo prices was average indicating a healthy market
  • RENOVATIONS!! Which renos pay off most when selling a home? Check out this handy chart for the answers. AND REMEMBER: your realtor is a great resource to guide your renovation - we know what trends buyers are leaning towards! 

Have a wonderful and safe summer! 

PS - watch your snail-mail in August for an invite to my annual apple picking event.


June 2018 newsletter: Spring market recap


  • After several years of modest growth & flat house price gains in and around 3%, May 2018 has seen an average increase of 6.3% in house prices over May 2017;
  • Interest rate increases are coming in July - lock in your rates now for renewals and refinancing. I work with great mortgage brokers who crunch the numbers to see if it's worthwhile for you - happy to provide referrals;
  • Ottawa continues to be a strong market: we are isolated from more national trends, thanks to government, DND & hi-tech sectors, especially in the west end of the city, plus Ottawa is still affordable - great for 1st time home buyers!

Country road, take me home...To the place I belong.

Sometimes the best action is no action at all:
it's taking time to think, to mull things over, and eventually, when we are really still & quite, it's paying attention to that little guiding voice inside. It’s quite amazing the things you learn when that little voice has a chance to be heard. So that is what I’ve been doing lately – stopping, yielding to that voice, paying attention to what drives me and what makes me passionate.

Photo by Bryan Minear on Unsplash

Photo by Bryan Minear on Unsplash

How does this relate to my business, you ask? Well, I’ve been on this road now for about 5 or 6 years…the bumpy road of entrepreneurship: learning and self-discovery. What makes Nancy tick?

As much as we’d all love to take off and kick the concept of 'working-for-a-living' to the curb, reality and mortgages and bills say we can’t. My road of entrepreneurship has led to what I’m doing now: real estate, and I love it. I’ve been practising for almost 2 years now and it’s hard to believe that much time has gone by already. The old adage of doing something you love so you never work a day in your life really does have merit! Nothing is perfect, and of course some days are tough, BUT they are tough in a way that is so meaningful and fulfilling. I wouldn't trade them for anything!

I love my business - helping, guiding and supporting people through one of the most intense, stressful and exciting times of their lives is nothing short of satisfying - but I knew there was something more to discover, like an angle I hadn't yet considered. Something was sort of tickling my mind, encouraging me to allow my business to grow and evolve without judgement or worry about 'where is this going?' and just TRUST. Businesses are little funny things - a lot like babies, they are born a ball of potential to be shaped and molded and grow.  Throughout the time that I was contemplating what my business what evolving into, I started to get back into horses and riding. 

Photo by Jon Phillips on Unsplash

Photo by Jon Phillips on Unsplash

Short history lesson here: Anyone who has known me since I was a kid knows that horses have been in my blood forever. I lived, breathed, dreamed everything horses since I was a child. I rode for 6 years, getting to be a pretty decent rider,  jumping 1 metre fences and able to complete a dressage course. It was exciting. So last October I found myself once again in that familiar setting and I sank into it like a comfortable armchair, savouring every_little_bit. I was in a barn. I breathed in that horse scent. I was in heaven.

That was enough to give me the nudge to explore how horses could once again be part of my life. That itch wasn't leaving me alone so I paid attention to it, and started searching for opportunities that would allow me to be with these majestic creatures. A groom position at Wesley Clover Parks was the answer I was looking for! The more I became immersed in horse life, the more I realized how much I freaking missed it!! 

Fast forward a few months and I'm up to my eyeballs following horse-related Facebook groups of every kind. Like that kid from years ago, I can't get enough! While on these groups, I noticed something when a 'coming for sale soon' house was randomly mentioned by group member: people got really excited! They wanted to know more, wanted to see it, wanted to move there...and that's when the light went off...well it flickered. It wasn't a full on AH-HA moment, but something clicked. I reached out and found horse people looking for horse properties were very happy to have someone who knew both real estate and horses, help them out!


There is a need out there for someone to bridge the gap between buyers and sellers as a lot of opportunities are not listed for sale and looking for a horse property has a lot of factors and considerations that are unique to those properties and businesses. That someone to bridge the gap is me!

So now that I've solidified the vision for my business, I can say definitively, and with all my heart that I am dedicated to being THE horse property match-maker in the Ottawa area!

The way my groom position, my love of horses and real estate has clicked into place together is really inspiring me to reach for whatever is out there, to follow my passion, and listen to that little voice inside. 

So that is my announcement - I'm still continuing to provide dedicated service to my clients looking for and selling residential properties, but I will also be connecting with horse lovers, horse businesses and farms and driving all over the Valley to connect people with their perfect horse-loving spaces!

I've started compiling the lookers and the sellers, and I've already made some connections, so this focus and approach is definitely taking hold and I'm THRILLED! 

If you know of anyone that would make sense to add to my list of properties or buyers, please share with them what I am doing, who I am and pass along my name, email, website, even this blog post! If in doubt send me a text, email or call.

Thanks for reading, thanks for your support and thank you for your business! So happy and excited to share this new direction with you all.






April 2018 Newsletter

Hi Everyone!

A lot has been happening both in the Ottawa market and with my business over the past month. Activity & movement are the themes of the day! 

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash


Here are some highlights:

  • Ottawa is at the top of the TOP 10 Ontario Cities for Real Estate Investment
  • The average sale price of a residential-class property sold in March in the Ottawa area was $447,561, an increase of 8 percent over March 2017.
  • The most active price point for residential sales is in the the $300,000 to $449,999 range.
  • This is MY FAVOURITE stat:  $500,000 to $750,000 market is a price point that is showing significant growth! This typically doesn't have this level of activity however it represented a whopping 21 % of the residential homes sold in March!
  • Click on the window below to view the newsletter in its entirety in the ISSU publication viewer. 

Aside from the market, my own business has been growing - not only have I been helping more families get to where they want to go, I have also been starting to carve my niche and hone my brand. 

Here are my own personal highlights from the past month:

  • Clarified positioning myself as a 'holistic house hunter', dedicated to helping people find their perfect space by addressing their needs beyond simply crunching numbers, and showing listings. It's about really understanding my clients - their vision for their home - whether buying or selling, and understanding what this process means to them.
  • Added a new and exciting part to my website: Changing Spaces This new section highlights the properties I've helped buy, sell, rent and lease. ASIDE: As a real estate website, I cannot advertise homes that I've sold (as per our Board rules) so this way, I can show who I have helped and how which really is much more satisfying than saying I sold this house for this price! 
  • Lastly, if you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen a teaser post about an upcoming announcement regarding my business. If you don't follow me, why not?! Go...Do it now.....Seriously. That announcement will be on my blog post this weekend. It's something that means so much to me, and is really solidifying finding my place in this industry, from which to serve others with heart and passion. Please come back to check it out...or follow me on Instagram. 

Until then, thanks everyone for your support and for your business. I am honoured to know that I can help people every day.


March 2018 Newsletter

The clocks have sprung ahead, and the days are longer! It's definitely feeling like Spring is around the corner despite the wintery weather this week. Hang in there...we are almost through another Ottawa winter!

March has shown that fairer weather is on the minds of home sellers and buyers. I am seeing about 20 new listing on MLS each day

Here is an overview of what you'll find in this month's newsletter:

  • Despite tougher qualification requirements for mortgages, most Canadians are in good shape to get a mortgage.
  • The average sale price of a residential-class property sold in February in the Ottawa area was $429,600, an increase of 2.7 percent over February 2017.

  • And not surprisingly....the most active price point in the residential market is the $300,000 to $449,999 range, accounting for 47 percent of the market.

  • Read page 2 for 3 ESSENTIAL TIPS to selling your home in Spring! wins Gold Award!

November 15, 2017 – Ottawa – For immediate release

Real estate professional Nancy Ceresia and Communicarium are pleased to announce the website has won a Gold MarCom Award, which honors excellence in marketing and branding while recognizing the creativity, hard work, and generosity of industry professionals. 

Nancy Landing Page.PNG
The website is fulfilling my goal of creating a first step in my introduction to potential clients. They receive a clear message about what they can expect and what sets me apart...
— Nancy Ceresia, Real estate professional, Royal LePage Team


“The website is fulfilling my goal of creating a first step in my introduction to potential clients. They receive a clear message about what they can expect and what sets me apart: professional, personal service for the transaction and throughout home ownership,” states client Nancy Ceresia. “I am finding new clients are coming to me for advice and guidance and I am building a reputation as a reliable and insightful resource to homebuyers. Communicarium created a perfect platform that really allows me to grow my business and brand.” 

“The marketing challenge is that the real estate industry is flooded with excellent real estate professionals and we wanted to make sure Nancy’s website reflects her unique and distinct advantage and attracts clients who value the attention to detail and analysis she provides. Her work is beyond a transactional relationship. She really cares.” says Heidi Lasi, president of Communicarium. “Designer Ariane Izzotti did an incredible job of creating the perfect warm and home-like atmosphere that reflects Nancy’s brand and competitive advantage.”

Nancy is accepting new clients and you can see her website here:

To view the complete list of 2017 Gold Award winners, please view the site.


Heidi Lasi                                                                    Nancy Ceresia                                  

613-255-4660                                                              613-286-1658





Beyond the offer: strategies to help win in multiple offers

Not all offers are created equal. In a seller’s market, the strategy behind the offer is what counts.


Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

Buying houses is something most people do only a handful of times throughout their lives. Each time, they must become acquainted with the current market and financing rules (watch for an upcoming post on the changes effective January 2018!) and as well as changes to the overall purchase process. Today, I am going to focus on the buying side of the process, as this has been particularly challenging over the past 6 months in Ottawa.


Parts of Ottawa market experiencing Seller's Market conditions

First of all, what is a seller’s market? Simply put, it is a market where the demand for houses exceeds the supply, therefore driving up the competition for the homes that are listed. This often results in three things: multiple competing offers on one listing, higher market value (the price people are willing to pay) and shorter time on market. October 2017 statistics in Ottawa indicate this is the trend, reporting average residential sale price has climbed 7.7% to $425,256 over October 2016, as well as fewer days on market; down 17.7% from 55 to 45 days. 

In a seller’s market, multiple offers are quite commonplace. They are great for the seller, but add to the already stressful process of submitting an offer. This is why having a strategy behind your offer is so important. You may be wondering how something like an offer, with standard required elements, can have a strategy. This is where a real estate professional who is representing you, the buyer, earns their dough!


Money doesn’t always talk, but in a seller’s market, it tends to have a pretty loud voice!

In a seller’s market, buyers want to make their offer more attractive than the competition. This can create what is commonly referred to as a ‘bidding war’.

In a seller’s market, money does talk, quite loudly actually, BUT it doesn’t always come down to how much you are willing to pay. But what happens when you don’t have the financial resources to outbid the competition or it’s just not wise to overpay on a particular property?

Here are other ways that other parts of an offer can contribute to an accepted offer:

Closing date

In some cases, the closing date is more important to a seller than the price they get for the house. Maybe they have to move by a certain date (common in military moves) or they have another house they have an offer on, that requires them to take possession on a certain date. At any rate, don’t discount the importance of this detail. I like to establish a good rapport with the selling agent right from the get-go to find out if possible how much the closing date weighs in their decision making.

Conditions: Not all conditions are created equal!

Certain conditions are quite typical when it comes to an offer. Usually the following 4 are included:

1.       Financing – buyers can go back to their financial officer or mortgage broker to ensure their financing is approved to purchase this particular property

2.       Inspection – buyers can make the purchase conditional upon an inspection taking place, and that the findings are to be taken at the buyer’s sole discretion.

3.       Insurance – the purchase is conditional upon buyer’s securing insurance for this particular property. Financing is also usually contingent upon securing property insurance.

4.       Legal review – this is not as regularly included, but again, protects the buyer. It provides the opportunity for the buyer to have their lawyer review the offer to ensure their interests are legally protected. Some people opt to exclude this. Discuss this option with your real estate professional to see if it is right for you.

NOTE: Other standard conditions that may be included apply to rural properties (well/septic inspections) and condominiums (title search to ensure reserve fund is adequate, among other items). Today however, we are focusing on the 4 above that are typically included in all offers.


The strategy behind the conditions creates winning offers

This is when the conditions in the offer come into play. They vary in complexity and circumstances for every single buyer, seller and transaction. Therefore, not all offers are created equal!

This situation is when your real estate professional should step up and provide expert guidance, as well as drawing on other resources like your mortgage broker or financial officer to help determine if, for example, the condition of financing can be waived. If this is the case, it can make an otherwise lesser offer much more appealing to the sellers, as it is telling them that there is no chance for the deal to fall through on financing.

The flip side, however, is that you, the buyer, cannot back out if you end up not being able to secure financing. I cannot stress enough the importance of working with experts to ensure you won’t be stuck with a house you can’t get financing for! Working with professionals is key to protecting your interests!

If you are able to exclude the condition of financing, it can really help swing the odds in the favour of your offer in a multiple offer scenario. It is by no means a guarantee, but it’s an excellent strategy that can make a difference, resulting in a winning offer as financing tends to be the condition that does carry the most weight for sellers when they are considering offers.



Because time is of the essence in a seller’s market, it is wise to sit down ahead of time with your real estate professional to discuss these strategies and have a game plan in place, so when the time comes to put in an offer, you have already done the leg work for the financing and have all of these details sorted and ready to go. The devil really is in the details and having an experienced real estate professional with a network of resources at their disposal can minimize the stress associated with multiple competing offers, not to mention increasing your chances of coming away with a winning hand!


Are you ready to buy? Let's chat about your individual strategy to make it happen! Email me!